Graham Middle School

311 E Pine St, Graham, NC 27253

General Information

Year Built: 1951
Building Area: 87,746 SF
Mobile Unit Square Footage: 5,000 SF
Classroom Capacity: 712
Number of Students: 665
Current Capacity: 93.40%


Capital Projects in Progress

  1. 2020: Roof Repair & Engineering $320,188.00
  2. September 2019: Redo ramps and awning on GMS mobile units $25,000 - 2/3 completed

Capital Projects Completed

  1. 2020: Installation of Cameras
  2. 2019: Paint windows at GMS (as many as possible) $60,000
  3. 2016: Roof Evaluation $3,250.00
  4. 2016: Door Replacement $7,450.00