Main, Powell, & Gee Buildings: Childcare Center & Instructional Space

Expansion and Renovation

Proposed Bond Project Information

Project Budget: $4,440,000

Revised Project Budget: $3,536,070

Bond Issuance Date: August 2023
Construction Start Date: August 2023
Estimated Completion Date: September 2024
Architect: TBD
Operating Impact: $0


Childcare Expansion & Renovation:

• Renovation Current Space: 13,095 SF - 5 classroom/lab spaces

Main Campus and Library (26,000 SF):

15 renovated classrooms
10,000 SF renovated Library to Active Learning Center

Powell (Net 6,000 SF):

• 6 labs/classrooms with a minimum of 1 additional Biology lab
• Renovation of a current Biology lab and Anatomy and Physiology lab

Main, Powell, & Gee Buildings: Childcare Center & Instructional Space Expansion and Renovation
Bond Project Updates

Click on the description to see information regarding bond project progress.

The general contractor contract has been executed and we are working to schedule the pre-construction meeting to be held between the State, ACC, and the general contractor. The first phase of the project will include the renovation of the Skills Center, the Library, and the third floor of the Powell building (nursing expansion). Due to the contract just recently being approved, we are working to begin construction as soon as possible in November.