Main, Powell, & Gee Buildings: Childcare Center & Instructional Space
Expansion and Renovation
Proposed Bond Project Information
Project Budget: $4,440,000
Revised Project Budget: $3,536,070
Bond Issuance Date: August 2023
Construction Start Date: August 2023
Estimated Completion Date: September 2024
Architect: TBD
Operating Impact: $0
Childcare Expansion & Renovation:
• Renovation Current Space: 13,095 SF - 5 classroom/lab spaces
Main Campus and Library (26,000 SF):
15 renovated classrooms
10,000 SF renovated Library to Active Learning Center
Powell (Net 6,000 SF):
• 6 labs/classrooms with a minimum of 1 additional Biology lab
• Renovation of a current Biology lab and Anatomy and Physiology lab
Main, Powell, & Gee Buildings: Childcare Center & Instructional Space Expansion and Renovation
Bond Project Updates
Click on the description to see information regarding bond project progress.
The general contractor contract has been executed and we are working to schedule the pre-construction meeting to be held between the State, ACC, and the general contractor. The first phase of the project will include the renovation of the Skills Center, the Library, and the third floor of the Powell building (nursing expansion). Due to the contract just recently being approved, we are working to begin construction as soon as possible in November.
Bids for the project were received on July 25th with Central Builders, Inc. of Mebane having the lowest bid. The contract recommendation for Central Builder’s will be brought to the Board of Trustees in August for consideration. The low bid came in $738,722 under the project construction budget of $4,147,622. This savings will allow some scope that was initially removed from the project, to be added back in. Specifically, Main Building hallway flooring replacement was not included in the project. These areas need to be abated (asbestos floor tile) and new flooring installed so that there is an appropriate hallway entrance leading to the newly renovated rooms.
Project design updates were presented to the Board of Trustees at their February meeting with a recommendation to approve the design. At the meeting, the project designs that were presented were approved. Construction Documents will be submitted to State Construction in mid-March for review in preparation for bidding on the project in late June with construction beginning in mid-to-late August. A recent construction cost estimate has indicated cost savings of close to $415,000 will be required to stay within the construction budget. College Administration has determined that bidding on the Gee first-floor renovation as well as two additional Main Building classrooms as alternates would allow the project to stay within the construction budget. Should bids come in favorably, the Board can consider adding this scope back into the project.
The design team has finalized their work on the schematic design and design development documents and sent them to the ACC administration for review and comment. These will then be sent to State Construction for review and approval. Once approved, the 4-design team will begin work on the construction documents for bid. ACC is currently exploring with the County the option of bidding this project out earlier than planned to avoid additional escalation. Currently, the cost in escalation to bid the project out in July with the PSTC versus April as a stand-alone project is close to $114,000.
Main, Powell, Gee Building Projects – The new cost estimate from November 2022 shows an 8% escalation due to waiting to bid with the Public Service Training Center. Bidding the project separately in mid-May 2023 would help ACC avoid $114,064 in an escalation of pricing.
ACC’s design team is finishing up the design and the documents will be sent to State Construction for review and approval by December 9, 2022. Once approved, the design team will begin work on the construction documents for bid. ACC plans to bid this project at the same time as the Public Safety Training Center due to the requirement that the sale of the bonds for these two projects occur at the same time.
The design team is finalizing their work on the schematic Childcare Updates design/design development documents and will send these to to State Construction for review the week of November 21st 2022. Once approved, the design team will begin work on the construction documents for bid. ACC plans to bid this project at the same time as the Public Safety Training Center due to the requirement that the sale of the bonds for these two projects occur at the same time.
The design team met with college stakeholders in mid-September 2022 for continued feedback on the design and proposed layouts for the scope of the project. The design documents will be sent to State Construction for review and approval by the end of October 2022. Once approved, the design team will begin work on the construction documents for bid. ACC plans to bid this project at the same time as the Public Safety Training Center due to the requirement that the sale of the bonds for these two projects occur at the same time.
The project scope was recently split up into two projects because of the requirements of SCIF funds, but has now been recombined into one project. The updated SCIF guidelines received by ACC allows the project to remain as one while being funded by County bonds and SCIF funds. The project is currently in design with hopes to submit to the state construction for review and approval by the end of October 2022. ACC plans to place the project out for bid in March 2023.
Design work for the project continues with Moseley Architects close to completion of the Schematic Design and Design Development stages. Once complete, the drawings will be sent to State Construction for review and approval. On July 15, 2022, the State Board of Community Colleges approved the ACC Board of Trustees request (approved at the June 2022 meeting) to amend the budget, scope and name of the original County Bond project titled “Main, Powell & Gee Buildings – Classrooms, Offices, Library Renovation/Childcare Updates Project” due to the fact that State SCIF funds were not permitted to be added to the project budget which had increased due to construction material and labor cost increases. Instead a new project had to be approved to include the scope that could not be funded by the County bond.
On July 18, 2022, however, the College received updated guidance from NCCCS and the NC Office of State Budget & Management stating that college could now use SCIF funds to expand the scope of a project approved prior to July 2021, or to meet cost overruns due to inflation. Rather than having the original bond project split into two separate projects incurring additional design fees, College administration is recommending bringing the two projects back together as one project. This will also require the closing of the recently approved new project, “Gee Building: First Floor and Library Renovation/Childcare Updates Project” with a total budget of $1,400,000. The current available funding for the project through County funding is $3,536,070 combined with the SCIF funding of $1,400,000 from the Gee Building project will provide a new combined project total budget of $4,936,070. To better reflect the scope, the new project title will be “Main, Powell & Gee Buildings: Classroom, Lab, Offices, Library Renovations/Nursing Expansion/Childcare Updates Project.”
As discussed at the May Board of Trustees meeting, the scope of this project must be reduced in order for the project to fit within the amended funding approved by the Alamance County Commissioner’s at their February 2022 meeting. A revised 3-1 will be recommended for approval at the June Board of Trustees meeting with a total revised budget of $3,536,070. A new 3-1 form for a new capital project, funded through SCIF funding, will be brought to the Board of Trustees June meeting for consideration. This new project will include the scope that had to be reduced from the County bond project. In the meantime, the design team continues to push forward with schematic design. The two projects, if approved, will be titled as follows:
- Main & Powell Buildings: Classroom/Lab Renovation and Nursing
Expansion Project $3,536,070
- Gee Building: First Floor and Library Renovation/Childcare Updates
Project $1,400,000
Alamance Community College expects the county bond project to bid in November with construction commencing in late December/early January. The SCIF project timeline will be finalized once a new design contract is established. As a reminder, HH Architecture is currently completing a feasibility study for the College to help determine the most appropriate use for the annual SCIF funding. Scope currently being reviewed includes improvements to the exterior of the DC campus, Main Building classroom renovations and creation of a Wellness Center for the campus.
At the County Commissioner’s February 21st meeting, the Commissioners approved amending the budget for this project through a $500,000 fund transfer from ACC’s capital reserves, but did not provide the additional funding required for the full project. The project budget was reduced by $903,930. College administration has been working with the design team to better solidify cost estimates for the project and identify scope that is currently not funded. In doing so, the estimator for the design team (a third party firm) has developed a cost estimate, including expected escalation, totaling $5,364,236. The current available funding for the project through County funding is $3,536,070. A recommendation will be made to either reduce the project scope to fit within the funding available through the County or consider adding an additional $1.4 million in funding to the project through State Capital and Infrastructure Funds (SCIF).
End-user groups have held their first meeting with the design team to help refine the scope of the project. The design team will be conducting on-site visits to the spaces involved in this project in early January to gather more detailed scope and existing conditions information. The project is on track for a construction start of December 2022/January 2023. This will be a phased project since all areas to be renovated are currently occupied and operational.
A successful Stakeholder Committee kick-off meeting was held on October 25th with key committee members providing excellent visionary feedback for the project to the design team. Smaller stakeholder work groups will now work with the designers in refining the scope of the project. The project is on track for a construction start of December 2022/January 2023. This will be a phased project since all areas to be renovated are currently occupied and operational.
College administration is currently working with the State Construction Office to finalize the design contract. A stakeholder kick-off meeting is being coordinated for late October.
The Childcare and Instructional Space projects have been combined into one project. The goal is that January/February will be a target for the Capital Project Ordinance and Form 3-1 to be approved by the Board of Commissioners. Additionally, the project manager process and selection will be updated at the Building and Grounds Committee Meeting this spring.
While there has been no action taken regarding the Childcare Center, the project will modernize the space to today's early childhood education standards and will create an additional 1,000-2,000 square feet.
On November 6, 2018, the voters of Alamance County approved a bond referendum in the
amount of $39.6 million for Alamance Community College. The bond referendum was for
multiple renovation and construction projects. The Childcare Renovation project is estimated to
cost $1,000,000.
On Monday, August 5, 2019, the Board of Commissioners approved a bond reimbursement resolution which will advance Alamance Community College $165,500 for the
cost of architectural services and other up-front costs as needed. The County will be reimbursed
from bond proceeds once the bonds are sold. The estimated bond sale date for this project is during Fiscal Year 2022.