Facilities Master Backfill Project

Proposed  Bond Project Information

Cost Estimate: $5,219,339

Facility Master Backfill Project: The Advanced Applied Technology Center (AATC) opened in August 2017.  Five programs (Automotive Technologies, Welding Technologies, Mechatronics, Machining Technology, and HVAC) moved from locations on the Main Campus to the new AATC.  The movement of the five programs vacated approximately 40,000 square feet in three buildings on Main Campus: Main Building, B- Building, and Automotive Shop Building.

The College’s Facilities Master Plan (approved by the Board of Trustees in January 2016) outlined a preliminary plan to “backfill” and renovate the vacated spaces


Facilities Master Backfill Project Updates

Click on the description to see information regarding bond project progress.

The college administration is currently working on project closeout. We are waiting on one final designer invoice to complete closeout documentation so that the item can be brought to the Board. We hope to have this available for the September meeting.