Term Definitions

Capital Projects: Projects to be funded by installment loan through private lending institutions, or in the case of the Petree Building, by donation. These projects involve major expansion, renovations, and replacements at various locations across the Alamance County facilities network. These project timelines span over the course of multiple fiscal years and are thus authorized through a Capital Project Ordinance approved by the Alamance County Board of Commissioners.

5 Year CIP PayGo: Projects funded annually through an allocation by the Alamance County Board of Commissioners in the annual budget process. At this time, the currently adopted Capital Plan schedules an allocation of $300,000 in Fiscal Year 2022 and all subsequent fiscal years. Of that sum, $50,000 is currently scheduled for allocation to Alamance County Parks and Recreation facilities.

Capital Equipment Projects: Includes future projects for Central Communications equipment expansion and upgrades funded by installment loans. Also includes County equipment and vehicles funded with an installment loan executed in Fall 2019 and/or current-year revenue collected by 0.96 cents on the tax rate. These equipment purchases and designated funding source are often referred to as the "Penny Plan." The Penny Plan is designed to provide a consistent and predictable funding source for equipment and vehicle replacement.

Technology Projects: Equipment expansions and upgrades associated with Alamance County's Central Communications services. These projects will provide expanded communication capabilities, along with better emergency dispatch response times, and reduced operating costs in some instances. The planned financing sources for these projects are installment loans and E-911 funds provided by the State of North Carolina.

Unfunded Projects: These projects include identified needs that currently do not have an identified funding source from any of the above-defined sources.