General Information
Year Built: 1994
Last Renovation: NA
Gross Area (SF): 1,305
Rating: A
Departments: Landfill
Landfill Building 2
Year Built: 2010
Last Renovation: NA
Gross Area (SF): 1,568

Capital Projects In Progress - per Landfill Strategic Capital Plan
- Road Tractor: To haul recyclables to market and move containers around on site $150,000
- New Resurfacing: To repair and replace asphalt around Landfill & Convenience Center $325,000
- Maintenance Service Truck: To use by the new Heavy Equipment Mechanic to be hired $100,000
- New Convenience Center Ticket Booth: To replace and provide location for the pilot program at the Convenience Center to utilize WasteWorks software $25,000
Completed Capital Projects
Austin Quarter Landfill Facility Map